当年Frente!(读/frɛnteɪ/)不但红遍全世界,在音乐资讯尚未国际一线化的中国,都积攒到了相当不错的人气,赚有那么一两首「英文歌启蒙」。但专辑毕竟还是没有完整地传达过,所以像第二专《Shape》的二单《What’s Come Over Me》这样的打榜成绩普普的大碟后半段曲目,自然也就不曾有人特别记得。

这次Robin Guthrie手下留情,没有太过花哨地强加自己那套,跟中板Pop Rock风的原曲相较只是多了点白噪吉他——Robin婊示过也不明白为什么有些九不搭八的乐队找自己做remix,所以手法如此简白大概也是一脸懵逼吧。


I know your whereabouts, unhappily
You know my weakness is my sympathy
The crust in your temperament, don’t wash with me
I scrub at the base of it with Vaseline

What’s come over me?
What’s come over me?
What’s come over me?
What’s come over me?

Coming down on myself too easily
Packing those stairs away
Could visibly be the most hurtful thing you did to me
How can you sleep with me so silently?

What’s come over me?
What’s come over me?
What’s come over me?
What’s come over me?

Licking up like a cat on your filthy mat
I like to live with my head in your lap
I don’t like to need that, I don’t like to need that
I don’t like to need that, I don’t like to need that

Walking your muddy feet on my carpet
What’s come over me?
There’s no charge, hurry up and find out who you are


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